Piles Treatment Product in Ghana

Forever living products for Piles (kooko), at least four-fifths of adults experience hemorrhoids at some point in their lives. So, unless you are super-human, then we are all probably sailing on the “hemorrhoid boat.”Although hemorrhoids are much more common in men than women (who are more likely to get them during pregnancy), by midlife hemorrhoids often become an ongoing complaint. Therefore, it is safe to say that more than half of the population experiences one or more of the chronic symptoms of hemorrhoids by the age of 50. So what are hemorrhoids and what causes them?


A hemorrhoid(s) sometimes referred to as “piles”, is a swollen vein or group of inflamed veins in the lower rectal area or anus. There are 2 types of hemorrhoids: Internal (when hemorrhoid is formed inside the rectum and may protrude out of the rectum) and External (when hemorrhoid is formed in the anal opening and covered by skin).


The swelling of the veins are caused from straining during bowel movements or from increased pressure on the veins. Several factors could cause an increase in pressure within the veins of the rectum. These include:
  • Straining during bowel movements.
  • Sitting for long periods of time on the toilet.
  • Chronic Diarrhoea or Constipation.
  • Obesity.
  • Pregnancy.
  • Anal sex.
  • Low fibre diet.
  • Age (the tissues that support veins in the rectum and anus weaken with age).

Types of Piles 

If you’re faced with the pain and discomfort of hemorrhoids, it’s important to know which of the two hemorrhoid types you have so you can make an educated decision on how to treat them.  Hemorrhoids can be internal or external, meaning inside the rectum and invisible, or outside the anus and visible

Internal Piles

Internal Hemorrhoids has been a problem for many people as it affects your way of daily functioning. As a result you may want to try some of the medications that are available to relieve symptoms that are associated with internal hemorrhoids. If one of your consideration is to use a medication, then you should first look into the possible side effects that are associated with this knowing the side effects will help you to make the right decision with choosing the medication that is best for your hemorrhoids. Internal piles are mostly develop in the innermost of the victim and reacts outside to show the symptoms. Forever Living Products For Piles

External Piles

External Hemorrhoids are known for causing irritation, itching and discomfort. They oftentimes become a distraction to normal functioning. If you have external hemorrhoids, you may also be looking into ways to get rid of the problem. There are several medications to that are used to help relieve the hemorrhoids irritations. However, these medications also come with side effects. If you have hemorrhoids, knowing the possible treatments , as well as the complications, will help in determining what is right for your healing. OBSERVATION INTERNAL AND EXTERNAL Piles is classified into four grades:
  • Grade I: There are small inflammations, usually inside the lining of the anus. They are not visible.
  • Grade II: Grade II piles are larger than grade I piles, but also remain inside the anus. They may get pushed out during the passing of stool, but they will return unaided.
  • Grade III: These are also known as prolapsed hemorrhoids, and appear outside the anus. The individual may feel them hanging from the rectum, but they can be easily re-inserted.
  • Grade IV: These cannot be pushed back in and need treatment. They are large and remain outside of the anus.


Symptoms of Hemorrhoids

  • Rectal pain and discomfort.
  • Itching and irritation in the anal region.
  • Swelling around the anus.
  • Painless bleeding during bowel movements. You might notice small amounts of bright red blood on the toilet tissue and/or bowl.
  • Leakage of faeces in extreme cases.
Healthcare professionals suggest haemorrhoids should be treated as soon as they appear. Although the above symptoms can be very unpleasant and painful, haemorrhoids can be easily treated and are very preventable.There are several treatments out there for haemorrhoids. From simple home remedies using natural substances such as fruits and oils to more complicated clinical procedures and surgeries which are last resort means in extreme cases.The treatment I am going to outline below tells you how to treat haemorrhoids the Forever way, using simple, natural, 100% Aloe Vera products. No need for complicated manuals or abrasive procedures! So here we go…!!! PREVENTION 1) Keep The Area CleanKeeping the area clean is one of the most important steps to the treatment. Soak the area regularly, say 2-3 times a day in warm water using a bath or sitz bath for 10-15 minutes. Using warm water helps to reduce the irritations and pressure. DO NOT use soap as it will only increase the irritations. When cleaning up after relieving yourself, use moisturized wipes that are alcohol- and perfume-free. 2) Drink A Lot of Water Increasing your water intake to 8-10 glasses a day will help in treating and preventing hemorrhoids. Drinking plenty of fluids cleanses the system, softens your stool and facilitates bowel movements.

Natural Treatment for Both Internal & External Piles 

With our pile treatment we have sets of natures and organic products which treat you both internal and external, mostly piles are always generated in the anal area in human, no matter where exactly you have the pile situated, these products will help you remove and keep your system very clean these products are natural and results orienting products, they are from the home of the aloe Vera company. Forever Living Products For Piles

Aloe Vera Gel

This is one of nature’s best ingredients for treating haemorrhoids. Aloe Vera is widely known for its antiinflammatory, anti-oxidative and therapeutic properties. Forever Living Products For Piles , Drinking Aloe Vera Gel will:
  • Reduce the inflammation and swelling.
  • Soften faeces and moisturize the intestines.
  • Relieve the irritations and itching.
The highly penetrative and absorption properties of Aloe Vera will increase the elasticity of blood vessels which in turn reduce the inflammation. Forever Living Products For Piles

Fields of Green

Consuming a diet high in fibre will help prevent haemorrhoids and  is highly effective in relieving haemorrhoid symptoms and bleeding. Adding fibre to your diet will help clean out the gastrointestinal tract, facilitate bowel movement, hence preventing constipation and allowing the colon to work efficiently. Forever Living Products For Piles Forever Fields of Green is packed with high quantities of fibre and it is an easy way to consume and access all the benefits of vegetables. This supplement actually contains more fibre than Bran!
  • Alfalfa lowers the cholesterol
  • It detoxifies your liver
  • It lowers blood sugar levels
  • It nourishes your digestive system
  • It has a healing effect on arthritis
  • It prevents strokes
  • It cleanses your blood

Aloe Vera Gelly

Essentially identical to the aloe vera’s inner leaf, our 100% stabilized aloe vera gel lubricates sensitive tissue safely. Specially prepared for topical application to moisturize, soothe and condition. Aloe Vera Gelly is a thick, translucent gel containing humectants and moisturizers. Readily absorbed by the skin, it soothes without staining clothes. Aloe Vera Gelly also provides temporary relief from minor skin irritations.
  • Quickly soothes the skin
  • Does not stain clothing
  • Ideal for any first-aid kit including shrinking of of external piles
Applying Aloe Vera Gelly directly on the hemorrhoids will help reduce inflammation, pain and it is a natural antibiotic which will help prevent and treat any potential infection.

Aloe Lip

Aloe lip contains most powerful ingredients for absorbing the blood formed in the veins (external use only), it also shrinks the size and bring make the surface as flat as the body used to be.
  • Moisturizing Aloe-based formula
  • Soothes and moisturizes
  • Great for year-round external use
The soothing properties of Aloe Vera are ideally suited to care for your external protruding pile. Aloe, jojoba and beeswax combine to create the finest all-season lip product on the market today. Aloe Lips soothes, smoothes and moisturizes chapped and dry lips. Whether you are skiing, sunbathing, or enjoying the outdoors, its compact size makes it convenient to keep on hand.



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