Forever Bee Pollen provides a wide spectrum of essential nutrients. Each is required to maintain health. These include all vitamins of the B- min C. Since these are water soluble they should be taken daily. Bee pollen also contains vitamins D, E, K, and beta-carotene a rich source of numerous minerals, (with calcium and phosphorous in an atmosphere perfect :1 ratio), enzymes and co- enzymes plant-source fatty acids, carbohydrates, proteins and 22 amino acids – including all eight essential amino acids which the body cannot itself. Bee Pollen is considered as a complete food. Forever Bee Pollen Benefits

The Benefits of Forever Bee Pollen:

  • Mult-vitamin and multi-mineral supplement
  • Energy booster
  • Aids digestion
  • Contains many trace elements including vitamins, minerals and amino acids

Pollen is the  fertilising component of plant es gather and bring it back to their hives food. Without pollen, plants, trees d not exist; even we depend on it. Our bee pollen gathered in patented stainless steel from the blossoms. This ensures most potent natural food. Forever bee pollen is natural and contains no artificial flavours or colourings. Forever Bee Pollen contains more nutrients per calorie than other nutritional supplement and and so it is little wonder that it is cited as one of the foods available. In fact, the human body cannot survive on bee pollen alone, with just fibre and water. Bee Pollen also contains Lecithin, which exist naturally in all cells and aids in the metabolism of its fats. The nutrients in bee pollen are readily easily absorbed by the human body. The nutrients in forever bee pollen are readily digestible ed by the human body. Many people obtain benefit, including athletes who take d energy and to help them maintain good health.

Bee Pollen Facts:

  • About 35 grams of bee pollen daily fulfills the requirement of protein for a day.
  • For the correctly use bee pollen, it needs micronized, that is, ground up into all extremely  small particles (powderized).
  • The nutritional components in the pollen depend on the type of flower the bee gathers the pollen from.

Bee Pollen Health Benefits:

  • It helps regulates appetite; corrects the appetite of a person with anorexia and those people suffering from obesity.
  • It can help prevent prostate cancer and can help cure impotency.
Forever bee pollen Benefits
Natural source ( Pollen )
  • It helps eliminates fatigue, tiredness and weakness.
  • It helps control the aging of the genital system.
  • It has beneficial effect for the reproductive system (helps prevent dysmenorrhea ease fertility).
  • It help preserve the health of the skin.
  • It is a natural antibiotic that fight against salmonella typhoid, etc.
  • It helps regulates blood pressure,strengthens blood vessels and the whole cardiovascular system.
  • It improves metabolism.
  • It is used by natural health practitioners relieve arthritis symptoms.
  • It helps many athletes increase their energy and endurance.
  • It contains plant sterols which have a hormone balancing effects.

Chemical Composition of Bee Pollen

  • 30 percent digestible carbohydrates
  • 26 percent sugars (mainly fructose and glucose)
  • 23 percent protein (including 10 percent of essential amino acids)
  • 5 percent lipids (including essential fatty acids)
  • 2 percent phenolic compounds (including minerals (including calcium, magnesium, sodium, potassium, iron, manganese, silicon and selenium)
  • 0.6 percent water-soluble vitamins and acids B2, B6 and C)
  • 0.1 percent fat -soluble vitamins (including and D)

In addition, Forever Bee Pollen has a number of specific benefits:

  • Multi-vitamin and multi-mineral supplement
  • Energy booster
  • Aids in digestion
  • Contains many trace elements including vitamins, minerals and amino acids
  • The rich cocktail of nutrients in this product can help to correct body chemistry and so counteract food additives and preservatives.
  • It is a naturally high source of zinc and vitamin B6, making it extremely beneficial.
  • It can desensitise the body, making it a good supplement.
  • It is bacteriostatic’ – suppressing the activity of bacteria and increases the effective elimination of waste and poisons from the body.

Forever Bee Pollen Ingredients:

Bee pollen 500mg, Honey, stearic acid, silica, royal Content: 100 tablets.


Begin by taking quarter of a tablet daily, then gradually increase dose to 1 tablet 3 times a day.


 Bee Pollen helps  eliminates fatigue, tiredness and muscular weakness.

Bee Pollen helps control the aging of the genital and urinary system.

Bee Pollen  has beneficial effect for the reproductive system (helps prevent   dysmenorrhea and helps increase fertility).
Bee Pollen can help preserve the health of the skin.
Bee Pollen is a natural antibiotic that fight against salmonella, typhoid, etc.
Bee Pollen  helps regulates blood pressure, strengthens blood vessels and the whole cardiovascular system.
Bee Pollen is beneficial in weight loss, because bee pollen improve metabolism.
Bee Pollen is used by natural health practitioners to relieve arthritis symptoms.
Bee Pollen  helps many athletes increase their energy and endurance.
Bee Pollen contains plant sterols which have a hormone balancing effects.


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